Castoriadis om kapitalism och människotyper


Den senmoderna kapitalismen exploaterar inte bara den ekologiska miljön utan även den sociala och kulturella. Vad detta innebär är att den förbrukar kulturella och sociala resurser som det tagit nästan lika lång tid att skapa som de naturresurser som på kort tid går upp i rök. Den fransk-grekiske filosofen Castoriadis sammanfattade denna process på följande vis:

…it had inherited a series of anthropological types that it had not created and could not have created itself: incorruptible judges, honest and Weberian officials, educators devoted to their calling, workers with a minimum of professional conscientiousness, etc. These types do not and cannot arise of themselves, they were created in former historical periods, with reference to values then held sacred and unchallengeable: honesty, service to the state, the transmission of knowledge, fine workmanship, etc. Now we live in societies in which these values, as is publicly known, have become derisory, in which all that counts is the amount of money you have pocketed, no matter how, or the number of times you have appeared on television. The only anthropological type created by capitalism, and which was indispensable for its establishment, was the Schumpeterian entrepreneur: an individual passionate to create that historically new institution, the business enterprise, and constantly expand it by the introduction of new technical complexes and new methods of market penetration. Now even this type has been destroyed by present-day development; as far as production is concerned, the entrepreneur is replaced by a managerial bureaucracy: as far as money is concerned, speculation on the stock exchange, take-overs and financial arbitrage bring in far more than ”entrepreneurial” activity. At the same time therefore as we see the growing decay of the public space, due to privatization, we have the destruction of those anthropological types that conditioned the very existence of the system.

För att kapitalismen ska kunna fungera krävs alltså hederliga ämbetsmän, arbetare med yrkesstolthet och en specifik arbetsmoral, liksom en schumpeteriansk entreprenörstyp. Samtidigt utgår systemets logik från egenintresse och narcissism som gör dessa människotypers värderingar föråldrade. Vi får alltså den situation som Matt Taibbi kallat griftopia, där överheten befriats från alla traditionella tankar om ansvar och plundrar ekonomin, samtidigt som växande delar av den ”vanliga” befolkningen också hellre konsumerar än producerar. En av orsakerna till detta är den liberalism som betraktar gemensamma värden som något farligt och försökte bygga ett samhälle på egennytta.